10 Best Creams for Fair Skin Bleaching: Thinking of how to maintain your fair skin?

Well, having fair skin doesn’t have to involve harsh bleaching agents. 

There are plenty of creams you can use on your fair skin to keep it fairer. 

In this blog post, we’ll recommend to you the 10 creams for fair skin without bleaching.

So, if you are not a fans of bleaching skin, this article is what you need.

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10 Cream for Fair Skin without bleaching 

Here, we’ll list out 10 creams that you can use for your fair skin without bleaching. 

  • Clear Therapy Plus
  • Dr Rashel Body Cream 
  • Lemon Fresh Extract Lotion 
  • Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream
  • Fair and White Body Cream 
  • Pure Carrot Body Cream 
  • Always Young Body Cream
  • Silka body cream 
  • Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream
  • Pond’s White Lightening Cream

Clear Therapy plus

10 Best Creams for Fair Skin Without Bleaching in Nigeria 2024

Clear Therapy Plus is the first on our list of creams for fair skin without bleaching.

Clear Therapy Plus mostly known as CT+ is a very good and effective cream when it comes to fair skin.

Clear Therapy Plus is made with some pleasing ingredients like Vitamin C and carrot oil.

This cream legit clears off dark spots, acne and rashes on the skin.

CT+ also prevents eczema from appearing on the skin.

How much is Clear Therapy plus

The present price of CT+ is ₦3,500 at stores and Supermarkets.

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Dr Rashel Body Cream

The second best cream on creams for fair skin without bleaching is Dr. Rashel.

Dr. Rashel brightens the complexion without messing with the skin.

Dr Rashel included Arbutin in its ingredient.

Arbutin is a natural skin lightener that is derived from bearberry plants.

This fades off dark spots without causing damage to the skin.

Dr Rashel’s cream for fair skin is so safe to use on your fair skin.

How Much Is Dr Rashel Body Cream

Dr Rashel body cream is ₦4,000 at pharmacies and stores.

It is sold for ₦4,200 at the market.

Lemon Fresh Extract

Lemon’s fresh extract is gotten from citrus fruit.

Lemon extract makes a dull and dry skin back to normal.

Lemon extract also helps in reducing signs of aging and it’s also good on oily skin.

Moving forward, the citric acid present in lemon extract help to lighten dark spots and clears scars. 

How Much Is Lemme Fresh Cream

Lemon fresh is sold for ₦1,500.

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

The next recommended cream on cream for fair skin without bleaching is Cetaphil Cream.

Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream helps makes the skin smooth and glowing.

Just so you know, it is doesn’t have any side effects. 

Also, this cream is good for both dry and oily skin.

How Much Is Cetaphil Cream

Cetaphil cream is ₦4,300. This cream is only available at beauty stores.

Fair and White Cream 

Our fifth best cream for fair skin without bleaching is Fair and White cream.

Fair and White Cream clears scars and reduces pimples from showing on the face.

One of the reasons Fair and White Cream is a good body cream for fair skin is the ingredient it was made with.

These ingredients effectively clear off dark spots.

How Much Is Fair And White Cream

Fair and white cream price is ₦2,500

Pure Carrot Body Cream

The next recommended cream is Pure Carrot.

If you are a fair skin person and you want to brighten up more, try pure carrot body cream.

Pure carrot is so effective for fair skin thereby making it look as if it’s a bleaching cream but it was never a bleaching cream .

Pure carrot is 70% made with carrot and carrot is a good ingredient when it comes to brightening the skin.

Price Of Pure Carrot Body Cream

Pure carrot body cream price is ₦3,500.

Always Young Body Cream

We all want to look young and fresh, the main reason you seriously need to try it out.

Always Young Body Cream nourishes the skin. 

Always Young Body Cream works by making the skin more lighter.

How Much Is Always Young Body Cream

Always young cream price is ₦6,500

Silka Body Cream

The next on our list is Silka Body Cream.

This cream doesn’t not immediately lighten the skin, it is a gradual process.

But if you patiently use it, you won’t regret being patient.

You know, unlike some bleaching creams that damage the skin, silka body cream does not do that.

Instead it takes time on the skin and brighten the skin gradually.

How Much Is Silka Body Cream

Silka body cream is sold at the price of ₦5,000.

Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream

This list of the 10 best creams for fair skin without bleaching won’t be complete if we fail to mention Kiehl’s ultra facial cream. 

No long talk, Kiehl’s is known for its swift and effectiveness.

How Much Is Kiehl’s Body Cream

Kiehl’s Body Cream Price is ₦4,850

Pond’s White Beauty Cream

The last on our list of top 10 Creams for Fair Skin Without Bleaching is Pond’s white lightening cream.

Pond’s white cream lightens the skin and clears away dark spots on the skin.

Pond’s White Lightening Cream makes the skin fine amd spotless.

Price Of Pond’s White Beauty Cream

The Price Of Pond’s White Beauty Cream is ₦6,000. This body cream is a scrace cream and you’ll only find it in reputable stores.

Wrapping Cream For Fair Skin Without Bleaching

So, that’s all you need to know about the top 10 creams for fair skin without bleaching.

We’ve recommended to you 10 good and effective creams that’ll make you more fairer without bleaching.

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